Rest In Peace, Jullyen.
August 10, 1996 - September 2, 2014
*Jullyen has exceptional breed type with a high-set neck and a soft, flexible poll. He has adequate bone and joints, with a true straight, well-carried tail. Thin skin give him a lovely soft feel to the hand. He is gentle but masculine and thinks well of himself.
While training under saddle he has proven to be non temperamental with a good attitude, willing, and flexes at the poll easily and comfortably.
Purchased in 2002 as an outcross stallion to breed to the Varian broodmares, he is Brazilian born and stands as a premier breeding stallion at Varian Arabians. *Jullyen El Jamaal has already proven himself as a highly successful sire with many of his offspring winning in today’s competitive arena. *Jullyen El Jamaal is now recognized as the top siring son of Ali Jamaal in number of National winners sired, with Arlene Magid doing the research.
Foaled August 10, 1996
15.1 hands
Breeding Info:
SCID and CA Clear
Breeders Sweepstakes Nominated Sire
Scottsdale Signature Stallion
Region XII Spotlight Stallion
Minnesota Medallion Stallion
*JULLYEN EL JAMAAL in the International Stallion Presentation at the 2013 Arabian Breeders World Cup.

*MAGIDAA | |||
LA DONNA | |||
LYDIA | |||
Winning Get:
*Jullyen El Jamaal has 210 get with show records. 179 are champions (a champion percentage of 85% of his shown get).
National Winners: Click here
Regional Winners: Click here
*Jullyen El Jamaal has sired just 5 Half-Arabian foals. 2 are champions.
TOUGHER THAN THE REST 2A364560 b g 07 (x Aladdinns Tapestry) 3/4 Arabian
2010 Canadian Reserve National Champion Half-Arabian Futurity Gelding
2010 U.S. Top Ten Half-Arabian Futurity Gelding
2008 Region 16 Champion Half-Arabian Yearling Sweepstakes Colt
2008 Scottsdale Top Ten Halter
2010 Scottsdale Champion Half-Arabian Stock/Hunter Gelding
2011 Region 16 Reserve Champion Half-Arabian Hunt Pleasure Junior Horse
2012 Buckeye Reserve Champion Half-Arabian Hunt Pleasure Junior Horse
2012 Region 14 Reserve Champion Half-Arabian Hunt Pleasure Junior Horse
2012 Region 14 Top Five Hunt Pleasure Select AATR
2014 Region 16 Top Five Half-Arabian Gelding
PATS SMOKIN BENTLEY 1A366787 b g 07 (Smokin Siemon (APHA))
2013 Region 1 Top Five Half-Arabian Western Pleasure
2013 Region 1 Top Five Half-Arabian Western Sidesaddle
An Historic Event for the Arabian Breed
by Don Severa
[Photo courtesy of Zita Strother]
In 1959 Sheila Varian brought home the 2 year old Bay Abi++, to become VA foundation sire. Soon to follow would be the foundation mares *Bachantka, *Naganka and *Ostroga, imported by the Varian family from Poland, to complete the legendary beginning of Varian Arabians.
The Varian sire line, now in it’s 5th generation (Bay-Abi++, Bay-El Bey++, Huckleberry Bey++, Desperado V and Maclintock V) has left an indelible mark on the breed. In the early years, outcross blood was brought into the program through *Bask, Khemosabi and others. Then, in 1984 Sheila purchased 1/2 interest in the stallion *Sanadik El Shaklan and stood him at Varian Arabians. Many Varian followers were surprised by the choice of bloodlines, but the choice has been proven over and over in the resultant offspring.
In the middle 1990s, Sheila Varian and Don Severa began to discuss the need for an outcross stallion to bring into the program once again. This time it could not be a lease or an "occasional use" sire but a stallion that would be owned by and stand at stud at the farm. This was not only important to service the broodmares of Varian Arabians, but to offer the service to the many, many breeders who have daughters of the Varian Stallions such as Huckleberry Bey and Desperado V. We expected the stallion selected would appeal to the vast Arabian Horse community as well.
The search became world wide and the assistance of others was enlisted to help locate this new sire with the "big shoes" to fill. A partial list of the criteria set down by Sheila and Don would include: He should be a bay or chestnut horse and must stand an honest 15+ hands. We were not willing to compromise the achievement of exotic Arabian beauty through Desperado V. The eyes must be large, wide set and kind. Arabian tail carriage must be natural, the neck should be high set, flex at the poll and carry a natural arch (for which the Varian Arabian is well known). Other desired elements would include: A beautiful hind leg and a balanced "three circle" horse that could demonstrate athletic ability under saddle. He would have to have good structure in the bone, knees and joints, and feet would be have to be of adequate size. He must be charismatic, yet sweet, with a trainable and responsive temperament as well as a whole host of our own "secret idiosyncrasies" that a horse must possess to meet our muster.
At the 2001 US National show Sheila looked at all the male breeding horses presented in the show ring including some in their stalls in the barns for a closer look. Don joined in at the 2002 Scottsdale show as the search became more intense. Again, we carefully watched every colt or stallion shown in the breeding classes. All were great Arabian horses and those pinned with prizes deserved every ounce of the accolades they received, but for one reason or another, were not able to meet all of the criteria we had set out. Everyone has their own concept of a "breeding stallion." This stallion had to be of a quality that could stand proudly in our barn beside our own "breeding stallions."
We left Scottsdale discouraged at the results of our search. The breeding season was upon us and we increased our efforts, but there would be no panic decision, no "quick fix", no "getting by" approach, hoping it all worked out. We would either find the right individual or we would simply do without another year.
Not realizing it at the time, the story began to take a turn when we folded the page in an Arabian Horse magazine on a chestnut two year old colt owned by Manny Lawrence in Santa Ynez valley, named Jake Jamaal JCA (sired by *Jullyen El Jamaal). We set up an appointment with Manny as well as Gallun Farms located across the street for the same afternoon. Manny’s stallion "Jake" was everything he was supposed to be and perhaps more. Very charismatic. As a two year old, he of course, had no representative progeny on the ground, an important factor in our "wish list."
Don recalls: "While visiting Manny’s farm I became keenly aware of an awesomely beautiful filly in a distant paddock that appeared to be about two years of age. I temporarily lost all interest in everyone and everything around me and had to look closer. Manny informed me that the leggy bay beauty was sired by *Jullyen El Jamaal and out of (what a coincidence) a Desperado V daughter I had bred and sold Manny some years earlier, Amanda Jones. Pieces were beginning to fall into place."
"We then visited Gallun farms where Greg presented us with a group of yearling colts. All beautiful, all likely future champions, but a yearling was not in the cards for us."
On the way out of the barn Sheila asked Greg if she could see *Jullyen El Jamaal, since we had now seen a number of his offspring and related horses. After a quick stand up Sheila asked Greg to "allow *Jullyen to relax" so she could get an essence of the conformational qualities of the horse. Greg grinned, dropped the lead and *Jullyen quietly stood looking just as lovely as he had when in his show horse pose.
Again Don recalls his impression: "I had never seen *Jullyen El Jamaal in my life. It was like watching a Ferrari coming out of the stall. I was totally struck...I did not have to smell the upholstery to know it was genuine leather. I am an architect and when I see a thing of beauty, my heart beats faster. Sheila and I carefully examined a few of the details of the horse (as many as one can with a few walk arounds. A more than thorough series of tests would take place later). With my heart racing but trying to be as cool as a poker player, I calmly asked.... Can he be purchased?"
"Greg was totally taken aback by my question. He looked at me, looked at Sheila and realized we were serious. We returned to the comfort of the barn office. While Sheila and Nancy Gallun and I made small talk, Greg put in a call to Brazil and *Jullyen El Jamaal’s owner, Lenita Perroy. Greg returned with Lenita’s comments of surprise and pleasure that we were so taken by *Jullyen, and a price, all of which shall remain private. The sale was still a long way from being consummated."
During the next 2 weeks *Jullyen El Jamaal would have to undergo a series of pass/fail tests under the trained eye of Sheila. "I would venture to guess that no horse has undergone more scrutiny."
We returned three more times to observe *Jullyen. We watched him travel under saddle, to know even better his attitude, ability, responsiveness and personality. Sheila reflects on the decision in her own words: "I saw *Jullyen El Jamaal as a two or three year old at an open house at Greg Gallun's and liked him at that time. I had noticed his foals when they were shown in the show ring…always smooth and well balanced with excellent breed type. I had been watching all the young horses at the Nationals and Scottsdale for the last four years, searching for a colt or stallion that I thought would work with our line of horses as both Don and I knew we needed an outcross stallion’s blood to bring back into our mare band.
Always matching our mares, in my mind, with the stallions I was considering, knowing that not only did the stallion we would buy have to be exceptional, but his sire and particularly his dam would have to be of the highest quality. Finding our magical horse was a gigantic task, often seemingly impossible. This year at Scottsdale, Don really jumped into the search and we watched all the male breeding classes and although there were some lovely stallions none were just what we thought would be phenotypically and genetically the correct next cross for the Varian horses."
Sheila goes on: "As Don has outlined, we looked at several youngsters at Gallun’s, one being a lovely *Jullyen El Jamaal yearling colt out of Multi National Champion mare NW Siena Psyche. In the barn as we were ready to leave, I asked Greg to see *Jullyen. I was curious to see how he matured as a six year old stallion, although he wasn’t offered for sale. Both Don and I were immediately very interested. I look at horses through different eyes than Don, so when we both agree on an individual, our combined judgment has always been right.
"When I look at a horse I need to absorb him. Not look quickly. The show ring pose does not mean as much to me as the essence of the individual. Balance is paramount, a kind, intelligent eye, feet, knees, all joints true. Horses change in front of my eyes so I must look a second time, a third time. Absorbing again the outside and inside of a horse is extremely important to me. Quiet time, touching, feeling the texture of the skin, looking at the horse relaxed. For whatever the reason, sitting down in a field to watch a horse is very helpful in maturing my final impression, and so we squatted down, watching *Jullyen play in his pasture. He played with his tail up, snorting but with a gentleness that was also engaging. Obviously after all this observation, I was very seriously interested in the impact Jullyen could make on the mares from our program as well as mares from other lines."
*Jullyen's Dam Jullye El Ludjin (front) |
"Finally, after one last call to Lenita in Brazil the purchase was consummated. On the morning of March 20, 2002, *Jullyen El Jamaal was delivered to us and as he stepped out of Greg Gallun’s trailer. In Greg’s own words "Jullyen" he said, "You are standing on the hallowed ground of Varian Arabians."
The "transfer of lead" photos were taken, *Jullyen was given a get acquainted tour of his new home and led to his new stall where Greg left him a large bag of "Gallun" cookies and reminded us how much *Jullyen loved the cookies. *Jullyen’s groom, Santiago, was bravely trying to conceal his emotions. "I keep his mane and forelock braided", he suggested. And then hurriedly disappeared to the truck. All of us were feeling the importance of the moment, both sadly and happily.
Almost immediately the phone began to ring. Congratulation calls came in from Brazil and Europe (how fast the news travels in our Arabian horse community). And of course the special call from Lenita in Sao Paulo to Sheila. Wouldn’t we all like to have been a fly on the wall when two of the leading breeders of our time had their own personal conversation about Arabian Horses.
*Jullyen's Sire *Ali Jamaal |
Only a few days have passed since his arrival and *Jullyen has already bred several mares. His book will be filled with the history making mares of Varian Arabians and National Champions from his supporters who had already booked to him. Sheila writes a diary each night of her impressions of *Jullyen on that day. What he has learned, how he is to handle, his training under saddle, which is carefully geared to allow Jullyen to maintain his interest in his surroundings. Yes, life is going to be good for *Jullyen El Jamaal at Varian Arabians.
As for me (Don) "I can’t wait to get that photo of the two classic stallions, Desperado V and *Jullyen El Jamaal together. Perhaps I will wait ‘till they get to know one another a bit better. And Desperado V, the leader of the band, I’ll have to get his permission you know!"
As a six year old stallion *Jullyen El Jamaal has already set a standard of quality in his foals that is extraordinary. Adding the VA line of horses to the success of the mares from the Bey Shah and Padrons Psyche lines makes the future for *Jullyen El Jamaal not just a hope or dream but a reality.