Sale Testimonials
Marian Taylor - MM Sarafiina and Rosalee V
MM Sarafiina
When I was looking for a new horse, I asked my instructor, Julie Renfro Cross, for some help and when she sent an email to Angela giving a letter of introduction, I never envisioned how this would change my life owning a Varian Arabian. I was of the thought, give me a gelding and I can go anywhere. In the fall of 2017, I came down to look at a few horses and to my surprise, I chose a mare, MM Sarafiina (Jullyen El Jamaal and MM Sabriina). It took some time for her to accept me as her leader and to trust me. Now she is my best girl for the trail, for cows, and for almost anything I put at her. We attend clinics to broaden our knowledge of what we could possibly do. In fact, Julie Renfro Cross and Lester Buckley hold a cow clinic at the V6 Ranch and last year Lester noted her improvement and eagerness to find her cow! I contribute this eagerness to her great breeding and foundation training. She is small of stature, but big of heart and I love the partnership we have.
~ Marian Taylor
Rosalee V
In August 2020, I searched the Varian Arabians Ranch website to look at the horses for sale. I found this beautiful gray mare, Rosalee V (Audacious PS and Raquel NA). She was stunning! Mike Perez brought her out and showed me how she moved and as I approached her, she was very calm and accepted my presence. I decided to purchase her and learned that she had not been started, so I talked to Angela to put her into training for 120 days before bringing her home. I really want to praise Varian Arabians Ranch for the training Rosalee V received. Andres Castaño gave her a very good foundation. After arriving home, I had a lesson with my riding instructor and she stated, “Andres did an amazing job. She is soft, relaxed, and has finesse. The biggest thing I notice is that she was trained without any serious pressure where she is fretting. He did a wonderful job and she is confident and it is a real nice treat to see a horse that has only had 120 days to be so light, responsive, and not shocky. It is a real treat to see this.”
I brought her home in February and started riding the park trails so she would get used to the many things that she would encounter on the trails and with all those experiences, she has been a trooper. She is curious and confident when patrolling the trails with the strollers, dogs, bicycles and the wildlife. She has had good mentoring equines to show her the ropes and recently we were on a trail that she was not familiar with and she eagerly pushed to the lead for the entire time on the trail. She is a gem in her own right, we have more adventures in our future, and I look forward to her development and growth.
~ Marian Taylor
Susan Salladay and Spanish Juell V
Hi Angela,
Just wanted to say how much we all love Jemma (Spanish Juell V). I am so proud of her!!! She has 28 achievement award points for her first summer out (three shows total), an East Coast Regional Championship and a National Top Ten in Sport Horse 2-year-old fillies.
And SOOOO many compliments. She is maturing into a lovely mare, so smart, and really enjoys learning/training. She has already made a nice impact on the horse community in this area. As always, thank you again for her and all your help!
~ Susan Salladay
Allison Schultz and Ashai Prince V
Meeting Prince was serendipity at it’s best. Last year just before the Jubilee, my partner and I stopped at Varian Arabians. I wasn’t planning on buying a horse that day. Being on the legendary ranch I read about all while growing up and showing, I was horse girl heaven. Just visiting would have been special enough. Kristi walked in the show barn and asked if I had any questions. I blurted out, “Do you have any horses started under saddle, that could do western, hunter and ride on trails?” After not having a horse for 14 years, my heart clearly still knew what I wanted. She said, “Oh, you need to meet Prince.”
So we followed her over to the 12 stall and met Prince: a sweet big bay gelding with a star and a white hind foot and dreamy bloodlines. (Just like the last three Arabians I had growing up.) As I interacted with him, that was the first time my partner saw me with an Arabian - and he saw that look in my eye. When we got in the car, he said, “You need that horse.” We drove back up from Santa Barbara early the next morning before our flight out to see him under saddle. As we were walking out of the show barn, Jerry looked at me and said, “I’m going to go get my sweatshirt from the car. You sit on this straw bale and let me know what you decide when I get back.”
I couldn’t believe it. You could say that Prince the best birthday present ever. Having a horse made life seem ‘right’ again, like my soul was complete.
With only 2 months under saddle, I decided to leave Prince in training with Jaime. I flew out from Boulder on my united miles roughly every 2-3 weeks, to see him, ride with Jaime, brush him for hours, buy horse things, buy a bigger tack box to put it all in. With all that barn time, I felt like I was 16 again. I think Prince knew I was his by September, and we began the process of getting to know each other in the way that horses and their people do.
I had the time of my life. Varian Arabians is a magical place. The horses, the people, the land. You can feel it as soon as you arrive. I seriously considered not bringing Prince to Boulder, and instead just moving to California. Leaving Varian Arabians was a hard decision.
Since Prince arrived in Boulder on June 16, we’ve spent every day together at a beautiful semi-private barn about 20 mins from my house. We’re working towards some shows this fall in hunter, western, and junior horse, and ultimately we’ll hone our skills towards western dressage. He’s also my co-facilitator in the equine assisted learning I do with select coaching clients. He loves to be brushed, looks forward to working, loves people, and will follow me around in the pasture if I let him out for some grass snacks in the evenings.
He’s the sweetest guy. I fall in love with him more and more every day.
~ Ali Schultz{gallery}sales_testimonials/ashai_prince_v_testimonial{/gallery}
Susan Salladay and Spanish Juell V
Hi Angela,
I just want you to know how much my trainer, Mary, and I are loving Spanish Juell V. We are thoroughly enjoying her, her barn name is Jemma. If all goes well, her first shows will be here in southern Ohio July 15-16, 2017 and she'll be shown in Sport Horse in Hand. We are looking forward to taking her to regionals and the Sport Horse Nationals this summer, too. She is growing up beautifully. Both Mary and I have discovered how very smart she is, and while she can be a typical two-year-old at times, we love watching how quickly she catches on and learns what she needs to be doing. We’ll keep you posted on "Jemma news” as the summer continues!
Thank you again for your excellent breeding program and for helping me work through my purchasing questions. I am so glad that Jemma is such a wonderful part of my life!
~ Susan Salladay
Kathleen Green and Stetson V

Here's a photo of my 19 year old Stetson V, foot cocked, eyes closed, asleep while I ate lunch. Didn't move an inch the whole time. One of John's ranch buddies came up to me on his Quarter Horse and told me that my horse was amazing - 'bout busted my buttons, I was so proud. Thank you, a million times thank you, for bringing Stetson into this world for me. I love every minute we are together.
Mike & Pam Milligan and Begonia
Just thought I'd drop a quick note to let you know that Begonia is a happy, healthy, horsie. She went on her first pack it in camping trip over the weekend. She had a great time and gave Pam her usual great ride. On the way out a large buck burst from the brush right in front of her. She was startled and took a frozen hard stance as if to say "just bring it on. You will not hurt MY human!" I think Pam lost 2 buttons from her shirt as she was bursting with pride in her girl. LOL
Thanks again for allowing Begonia to come into our lives.
Mike & Pam Milligan
Sue Martin and Liberty Miss
Hi Sheila:
I just wanted to thank you so very much for allowing me to acquire my BEST friend ever in life.
Liberty Miss (Huckleberry Bey++ x AA Singing Wind) has been the most amazing partner a person could have. She is my QUEEN and she knows it.
She prefers the large candy canes over the small ones, gala apples and honey crisp are also her fav's, honey oats granola bars and carrots for the trail rides must be in the saddle bag in order to make it home.
She reminds me of the pony machines at WalMart when the quarter runs out. She will stop, turn her head and stand there until you give her more treats to keep going….she has me well trained !!!!
Liberty has been on pergolide and thyroxine for many years and very special "comfy" shoes, and she still wants to hit the trail for long walks.
28 and going strong, she still likes to steal other mares babies too, she is the best baby sitter for weaning foals.
Basically, Liberty Miss is the PERFECT horse, in case anyone asks who the perfect horse is……
Thank you so much for enhancing my life and providing a life long therapist. I have you to thank on this Thanksgiving day.
Is there anyway to acquire one of those beautiful breast collars you have on your Thanksgiving card?
Big hug,
Sue Martin, RN
Lauren Isaksen and Evangeline NA
Dear Sheila,
The minute I stepped through the gates of Varian Arabians at Spring Fling 2010 I felt at home. Your ranch was both warm and welcoming. I never guessed that I would leave that day with one more piece of a dream I have been nurturing for many years—to start however small, my own Arabian breeding program.
When Evangeline NA stepped into the arena, she touched my heart. Even heavily pregnant, she moved with a lovely grace. She so reminded me of a mare that I owned for 17 years and lost—a family favorite that taught all of my three children to ride—but beyond that, she radiated a style and elegance all her own, that reached out and worked its magic on me. Having just experienced a difficult divorce, I was in no position to buy another horse, but she spoke to me, and here I am, much richer in spirit for leading with my heart. I want to thank you for your help in buying her.
Literally days away from foaling when I bought her, I left Evangeline behind to deliver a fine colt by Jullyen El Jamaal. Your staff, Angela and Micki, were wonderful! They gave me up-to-the-minute reports and sent me beautiful photos of mare and foal after the birth. They took care of the all the paperwork professionally and with the utmost courtesy.
When Evangeline came home several weeks later, she stepped off the van like a Queen, nickered to her colt (Evander V) and fearlessly crossed the threshold into the very fabric of my life. Both horses were impeccably groomed and in shining good health—I couldn’t have been happier at the way they arrived.
Evangeline’s ground manners are excellent. She is so easy to work with, and learns quickly. Having left her open for the 2010 season, I decided to apply some natural horsemanship techniques and see where it led. Evangeline proved to be as smart as she is lovely. I let her set the pace, and within days she navigated water hazards, poles, a tarp and other scary obstacles, both on the ground and with me riding. She is feather-light to ride—I can hardly believe she wasn’t broke when I bought her. A horse this well-behaved and trusting has had only good experiences in life.
Recently, when my daughter Monique and I visited California, you spent much of your day showing us around your ranch. You welcomed us warmly and we felt right at home wandering around to see the horses, read up on Varian history and visit the graveyard of your equine family. When I first bought Evangeline you welcomed me to the Varian family—and I truly felt that we were just that during our visit. Monique and I both hope to join you again soon for some of the Varian events and rides.
This has truly been a positive purchasing experience for me, and I am happy to recommend you to anyone I know that is looking for a good horse. I especially admire your “Affordable Family Horse” program—the horses I saw offered in this group at the Spring Fling last year were beautiful, well trained, good citizens, that would make a great addition to any home.
Thank you again for your hospitality.
Lauren Isaksen
Joelle Wright and Butterfly V
I have finally got a nice picture for you of me on my darling Butterfly V. We went Top 5 in Region 16 after a late start to the season. Last year wewent top 5 at East Coast Championships ending up third on the cards!!!! We just LOVE this mare, such a doll and what fabulous work ethic she has, I have never met a horse quiet like her!!! To think I called you about my first Country English Pleasure horse and you suggested her, sent a video and I said ok I will take her. With great anticipation I waited for her thinking what am I doing I have not even met this horse or let alone seen her in person!!!! Then she arrived, after couple weeks to rest, after her trip from the west coast to the east coast, I climbed aboard just like you told me to do, and I have ridden and cared for this mare with a huge smile on my face ever since she stepped off that trailer !!!!!
Someday I will make it back to California again but in the mean time I will enjoy all my Varian bred horses!!!!!!
Best ,
Joelle Wright
Kate Lennigton and Faith V
I wouldn't invest in a Varian-bred mare without possessing high expectations - Faith V exceeds them. She is quiet, smart and inquisitive with an abundance of personality. Training thus far has been a pleasure; she is sensitive, receptive and athletic. If she likes cows nearly as much as she likes barn cats, I'll have a heckuva horse. She truly is a lovely little mare.
Sherry Stahler and Cocopelli Jullyen V

Cocopelli Jullyen V arrived in Vermont and he is even nicer than I remembered. Thank you for selling him to me. The trucking company told me every horse they haul from Varians behaves perfectly. They wondered how you folks do it. I answered that it is a combination of breeding good minds and having good handling.
Thank you again for being so kind and having the best horses in the world.
Sherry Stahler
Sheri Harlow and Gretchen V

Our first local shows were very successful; she earned 13 achievement points in just two weekends. I received so many compliments about her. Then at Region 8, she won the Country English AATR Championship and the Country English Select Reserve Championship as well as two top fives. At Region 6, she won another Country English AATR Championship. We have earned 47 achievement points so far, and I am amazed by her. My trainer and I can't figure out why she wasn't snapped up at the Summer Jubillee, but I'm sure glad she wasn't. I can't thank you enough for this wonderful mare. She is exactly what I wanted, and I feel very lucky to have her.
Sheri Harlow
Marsha Kosinski
Marsha Kosinski
Kathy Buckley and Sweet Summer V
I own Sweet Summer V, a Desperado V daughter out of Sweet Illusion V. I thought you might like to hear about her and her life in Massachusetts.
She has never been to a horse show. She has never been shod. She has all her whiskers, though I do clip a short bridle path and the thick winter fuzz at the base of her ears. There is no baby oil rubbed onto her face for fancy photo shoots. Everyday she enjoys the company of her pal, Calista NA, and three acres of rocky New England pasture. Sometimes she rolls in mud, sometimes she rolls in sand, and sometimes she rolls in new snow.
I have seen her heal broken hearts and broken spirits. When wounded people come to my home, I bring them out to the barn. I open up Summer's stall door and my guest and I sit in two folding canvas chairs in the center aisle. Ever so slowly, Summer steps out to join us. She approaches the wounded soul, places her forehead against their chest, sighs loudly, and closes her eyes. Most of the time, the person looks at me and smiles. Sometimes they start to cry. Summer stays with her head on their chest for a long time.
Oh, I almost forgot, she is a riding horse too.
I know that there are hundreds of Varian horses that have won ribbons and championships. Summer will probably never join the ranks of those famous Varian horses. But to me, she is the best horse in the world.
Best regards,
Kathy Buckley
Anne Kienberger and Sweet Sara V

Pretty amazing horse you sold me. I don’t think I could love her anymore if I tried. I finally got up the courage to show her hunter myself. First time out of the gate and we didn’t do half bad!
Just getting ready to sign up for the AHA trail ride in April. I really hope you and Lisa will be there too!
Thanks again for my beautiful horse,
Anne Kienberger and Sweet Sara V
(Desperado V x Sweet Sanadika V)
Hilary Austin and Pretty Pauline V
My goodness Pauline is a wonderful horse--best mind I have ever worked with! Her leg is just about healed up, in the meantime we have been having a good time getting to know one another. I can't believe I won't want another some day. Are Precious V's foals all so good-minded? Did she have another last or this year?
Hilary Austin
Betty McMicken and Fame Dancer V - 1
Fame Dancer is settled in, relaxed, content, and, adored, in his new home. Leslie rode him today and he was a very good boy. Everybody down here is overwhelmed by his attitude, talent, and good looks. You were right, he was the one for me!
Best to you,
Betty L. McMicken, Ph. D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Communicative Disorders
1250 Bellflower Boulevard
Long Beach, CA 90840
Betty McMicken and Famedancer V - 2
I just have to tell you again what a lovely boy I own. He is so dear, very kind, curious, patient, trusting, and I am running out of adjectives. Everyone at the barn cannot believe he is a young 3 year old. No matter what we want to do, he is willing and ready to go. What a guy! Thank you for the horse of my life!
Betty McMicken
Regarding Famedancer V
Peggy Davidson and Dakota
Dakota entered my life as an unstarted 4 year old. He has turned out to be a tough guy, full of enthusiasm and “go”, a horse that makes me smile. He is a son of Desperado V, and thinks very highly of himself! As a 6 yr old, I decided to give him a good “LD” base which turned into 895 miles on the trail, not to forget all the hours spent in the trailer, which resulted in the National LD Mileage Championship. His first 100 was Virginia City which he finished handily despite doing an extra 10 miles due to a wrong turn by me…oops! Since then, we have completed the Tevis, the ’09 National Championship 100, and last year, our first 5 day multi-day. Dakota is truly a special horse – he has given me the confidence to tackle some long challenging trails, and I look forward to many thousands more miles on his back!
~ Peggy Davidson
Lisa Giovanniello
Dear Sheila,
This is Lisa Giovanniello, Jack Lapointe's daughter and proud co-owner of Hucks Connection V. I know you keep in touch my dad, but I thought you might like to know that we are ALL so proud of Connection! He has turned out to be so much more than we imagined he would be! Vicki and he are a tremendous pair and have a mutual respect for one another that is evident to all who see them together. I have had very few opportunities to ride him, however, I see the great potential that we have!
I am sure you heard that Vicki won Canadian Reserve National Champion aboard Connection in the open English Pleasure class, however, had you SEEN the class, you would be even more impressed! They have a few bugs to work out (a less than impressive entrance, but a spectacular ride)... but once they do, they will be the pair to beat! As for me... having ridden Connection only a handful of times, and having shown him only twice before, I am happy with a Canadian National Top Ten. (I do believe Connection was the only horse in the Top Ten who had not previously won a National Championship!)
Vicki and I had talked about whether or not she should show him at the US Nationals this year. She wanted to make sure Connection had a fighting chance to WIN. Otherwise, she was going to wait until next year when she had more time to get him ready. After the ride she had at the Canadian Nationals, we have decided with a resounding YES, that Vicki will show him this year!
Sheila, I can't tell you how impressed I am with Hucks Connection V! Aside from being the most exciting horse I have ever ridden, he is the gentlest stallion I have ever had the pleasure to meet. He is the barn favorite at Vicki's. They love him because he can trot(!), but also because he is very respectful of all who handle him. And although he doesn't know our family as well as we would like (we live more than 4 hours away from Vicki's and have a family business to run), he is very affectionate with my mother and has won her heart. Hucks Connection V has found a forever home with the Lapointes!
Congratulations to you, Jamie and the rest of your staff for raising such a brilliant stallion!
Warm Regards,