The farm is now owned by Varian Equestrian Center -
Appointments are required. To make an appointment contact
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View testimonials from visitors when visiting Varian Arabians.

Visit to Varian Arabians
By Kathy Troxler
It goes without saying that there are many beautiful sights at Varian Arabians but the one that resonated with me the most wasn't from the amazing museum filled with trophies, photos and memorabilia from Sheila Varian's legacy. My wanderings led me to discovering the round pen (and I knew there had to be one!) complete with working gear ready for the next horse and this was IT for me! Those trophies and awards didn't come without wet saddle blankets. Before there was silver, there was ropes and leather and sweat.
I've always been interested in the history of the Arabian horse because no matter their station in life, all horsemen all feel like "kin". Whether it's the high fliers of times past (like Lady Ann and Wilfred, WK Kellogg, Albert Harris, William Randolph Hearst and PK Wrigley) or people like myself—those whose families gave up other pursuits in order to be able to have a horse in their "back yard—we share a common bond of the love of the animal and found a way to enjoy them.
That's why a visit to Varian Arabians was quite near the top of our "to visit" list in California. It was a beautiful day as we headed north to Arroyo Grande. I had contacted manager Angela Alvarez several days before to determine if we needed an appointment to visit and she responded very quickly letting us know the hours the ranch was open for guests and that we were free to come on over and stroll around the ranch and see the mares and foals!
But for a "history nerd" like myself it was walking around the main barn that was really cool. Wall after wall of vintage photos and memorabilia showing not only the history of Varian Arabians, but the Arabian horse in the west as well. Knowing my history, I was pretty sure that Bay-Abi++ had won his National title while the National Championship classes were held in Estes Park (hosted by the Colorado Arabian Horse Club) and having shown at the CAHC Estes Park show many times, I was pretty sure that if there was a photo of that win, I could spot it—and I did! I'm pretty sure that anyone who has shown in that arena would recognize the background! But there wasn't any caption next to this photo on the wall, so I took a quick photo so that I could confirm with Angela and ask her if that trophy was part of the exhibits in the museum and the answer was yes and yes! This is the win photo from Bay Abi's 1962 National Championship win in Arabian Stallion Halter, a class with 45 entries that took over 4 hours in the ring to complete with the end result that Bay Abi was named National Champion over horses that were much better known at the time.
Having confirmed that the trophy was part of the Sheila Varian Museum exhibit, Mike and I prowled the rooms of Sheila's home, continually distracted by one item after another. For lovers of vaquero horsemanship, equestrian art and books it's easy to linger a long, long time. I could spend an entire afternoon browsing through the books to see what I'd like to have on my wish list. First up is Cowboy Island and then I spotted the reference book on spade bits a couple of shelves below. Need I say more?
After a very slow crawl through the rooms, there it was—no longer on it's original 2 foot wooden pedestal, but identified with his name, title and year.
If you ever have the chance to visit Varian Arabians, we highly recommend it. It's a beautiful, peaceful spot and we'll visit again. This time with picnic lunch in hand so that we can spend more time in one of the beautiful shady spots overlooking the grounds.

Contact Angela Alvarez to arrange your own visit to Varian Arabians
Angela Alvarez
(805) 441-1229
Click here to visit Kathy's website
Cheyenne Moon - My Rock
by Sidney Simspon
I began my adventures into the horse world late in life—57. I always wanted a horse when I was a kid, used to pretend that I was a horse…that my bike was a horse. My family didn’t have the money. I grew up in San Lorenzo, which was not horse country.
At the age of 57, I decided that it was time to do something with horses. My husband drove me down Crow Canyon in Castro Valley, and I began taking some lessons. Within 6 months I decided that I wanted to ride every day—not just in lessons.
My trainer at the time was an Arabian fan and told me that she had a wonderful recommendation for me—a Varian Arabian, whose father was Desperado. I nodded but frankly I was so new to the horse world, that I didn’t know Varian from Shmarian and I thought Desperado was a Linda Ronstadt song. I felt stupid, so I kept my mouth shut.
Later I went out to try Chyenne Moon. He was gorgeous and had 6 years of show training. He had been ridden only by professionals so because I didn’t ride like a professional, he was puzzled by my cues.
I bought him when he was 8 coming on 9. I was then 59 and knew very little. He had rested his head on my shoulder and blown into my neck and ear. Debbie Compilli, his trainer at that time, said that he was “choosing me” that he was respectful to everyone—extremely well trained and kind--but that he was not an “in your pocket” horse. Thus our journey began. Click here to read full story
Chyenne Moon - Cow Sorting Event
by Sidney Simspon
Probably 8 years ago, my trainer then, who was a 100% quarter horse man, was planning a cow sorting clinic that he would lead. I really wanted to go. I asked Debbie Compilli, the trainer through whom I had bought Chyenne Moon, and she said that Chey could do cows, that he is good, that we would have fun. I passed that on to my trainer who pretty much said NO.
First, he saw Chyenne as the stereotypical nutty, crazy Arabian and second he saw Chyenne as a “show horse” not a cow horse. He had his horses neatly divided into categories. I begged…I pleaded…and finally he acquiesced and said OK. I did remember that Sheila’s horses did it all.
Chyenne Moon is by Desperado V and out of the Gaffizon++ daughter, KH Jordjia Moon
From Stacey Newville on her visit to Varian Arabian in 2017
It has been a long-time dream of mine to breed to a Varian stallion and to have a chance to see the Varian ranch. Several years ago after buying my foundation broodmare, I contacted Sheila (first through email) about my Al-Marah mare and her thoughts on her pedigree as well as a good match in a stallion for my mare. I had my eye on Desperado V. Sure enough, Sheila pointed me in his direction. I was just starting out at the time and did not have the money, but hoped that I would in a couple of years. As time passed, his breeding fee increased and it was no longer feasible, but I didn't give up. I started looking for a son of his for breeding. As luck would have it, I fell for Maclintok V. I tried to pull a few friends together to get a group rate, but to no avail. His fee was still out of range. So I waited to find a son of one of the two of those stallions. Having missed out twice, when I saw Major Mac V, I wasn't going to let the chance get away again!
In February 2017, Angela ensured that he got to come to the Scottsdale show in Arizona; and as luck would have it, I not only live there, but I was showing at that show! They did a presentation of Major Mac V at the show and I was hooked! I contacted Angela immediately and booked a breeding. My foundation Al-Marah mare is now 17 years old, so this was a long time coming!
In July 2017, I went to a conformation clinic at Om El Arabians, and since it was so close to the Varian ranch, I took some time to go. Angela was very welcoming and accommodating as our arrival time changed a few times. The ranch lies in a low area nestled among the hills with only one road to and from the ranch. The big blue hay barn with the unmistakable golden V at the top is a dead giveaway! The whole facility is beautifully green with grass and trees. As we drove in the front gate, there was a very deep bay in the paddock to the right and the office to the left. I had a sneaking suspicion that the bay was Major Mac V!
We were greeted by Ryah Alvarez who then offered to open up the Sheila Varian museum for us. I had no idea there was a museum! I honestly couldn't believe all of the history that was in every nook and cranny of the museum! There were buckles in a chest, pictures of many of her horses throughout the years, trophies galore, and tack that clearly reflected Sheila's style. I personally found the trophies to be very interesting as they showed how they have changed through the years to be what they are today. It somewhat reminded me of how the Arabian breed has changed over the years into what they are today (I mean both physically and as an industry, going from a family all-around horse shown at open-breed shows to more specialized classes). I got to sign her guest book, which sets next to her memorial trophy. Sheila's office was again covered in tack, pictures and trophies, but what I found most interesting was her library of books! There was so much history there about different breeding programs and older stud books! I could've stayed and read and researched for weeks! After getting what I thought was my fill of history, we walked the grounds of the Varian ranch. Having confirmed that the bay horse in the front paddock was Major Mac V, that was my first stop! It was so nice to see him just "being a horse". I suppose that has always been one of the things that I appreciated about Sheila's program; her horses have truly proven to be versatile in everything from halter to English to western pleasure and even working western events, but at the end of the day, they are all allowed to come home and just be horses.
The environment there was very peaceful and calming. we walked into the first barn and at the end of the breezeway, there was a larger-than-life golden V (seriously...I'm nearly 6ft and it was a lot taller than I am!). We got to see Major Mac's stall and Sheila's 10 commandments of breeding Arabian horses. We then walked into one end of the training barn. It was a different set up than I've ever really seen. The stalls were back to back facing out and the breezeway was a large path so you could walk in a circle (okay, a box) all the way around the outside. The coolest part? All the way around the outer wall that surrounds the stalls were pictures of past and present Varian horses, their accomplishments and even some of the foals they produced. Additionally, there were historical things about Sheila herself! Again, I could've spent hours looking at it all. It's actually quite overwhelming for a first-time trip! I was like a kid in a candy store, not knowing where to begin!
After that, we walked up the path to where some of the mommas & babies were turned out. We were greeted with soft muzzles and kind faces! We ventured up the hill a bit to see the breeding facility and then came back down towards the training barn. There is an adorable sitting area almost at the center of the whole operation nestled into a couple of trees. I thought to myself how many times Sheila herself may have sat there just enjoying her surroundings. I know I would!
We said one final goodbye to Major Mac V and to Angela and as we pulled out of the drive with beautiful pictures of the facility we just toured and I took one final look at Major Mac V. I thought to myself how amazing it is that I'm finally able to make this part of my breeding program a dream come true! My only regret is that I won't be able to share the foal I'd planned so many years ago with Sheila herself. Since I know she understands what it's like to put everything you have into making your dreams a reality and the struggles it takes, I'm sure she would be proud. My one final request...Shelia, could you please do your best to get me my bay filly out of his breeding because that would be the icing on the cake!!
Stacey Newville - Trickle Creek Ranch
New River, AZ 85087
Sheila Varian is the human that I am closest to in the world of Arabian horses. We met in the seventies when I came to see her horses and bought Barbary at the age of four months. He went on to become an important stallion, winning many honors as an individual and a sire. For Sheila and me it was the beginning of a true friendship.
Our friendship continued through many years and many adventures. I learned a great deal from her as I became a breeder and owner of what was for a while a large herd. Of all the people I met in the horse world, and there were many from whom I learned, I found that Sheila's knowledge was grounded in using the horses, in breeding and training horses for use, whether it was on a ranch or in the hills of Connecticut, but always concentrating on intelligence and athletic ability as well as beauty and the ability to breed on.
Everything about her and her home expresses her life work of helping The Creator to create athletic, intelligent, beautiful horses. It is an amazing and beautiful ranch to visit and there are things to be learned about how to keep horses, how to breed them, train them, select the best and breed them on, always looking to make them better, and how to live on the land and respect it and keep it fertile and productive. In fact, how to live. That is because it is all part of a life that takes care not only how horses are treated but also people.
Sheila is an example to us all. I love her.

Every time I went to her farm I was amazed by the quality and the consistency of the Varian horses. It is fantastic what she has achieved. The whole world recognizes her abilities as a trainer and a breeder, most successful in the show ring, in halter and performance. There is no other that can be compared with her.
It was a great honor to Ali Jamaal that she has chosen him to breed her most beloved mare, Sweet Inspiration V. And it was even more than a great honor to me, when she decided she wanted to have *Jullyen El Jamaal for her breeding program. Sheila, there is no one like you!
-Lenita Perroy
In 1955 I met a young lady called Sheila Varian. From the very beginning, I realized that this was a girl on a mission. She was obsessed with becoming as good a horseperson as she could possibly be. Arabians were her key interest, and showing them as working cowhorses was high on her list of goals. Sheila learned at a rate that was unbelievable and soon showed a mare called Rotenza to win the Grand National against all breeds. Sheila Varian is a national treasure."
- Monty Roberts
In my opinion Sheila is the top breeder of performance and halter horses in the Arabian breed.
She attended a clinic once that I was conducting for Greg Gallun and, as she trotted by me, she made a face and stuck out her tongue at me. That is the kid of relationship which we had.
I felt that she enjoyed riding in the hills and moving cattle more than she did showing. I can understand that.
In the recent “Centennial 100” I bet a friend of mine $10.00 that Sheila would be #1. She did not make it but she should have. (Sheila you owe me $10.00.)
Sheila is #1 in my book!

Sheila Varian is an impressive businesswoman with an exceptional talent for producing fine Arabian horses. At Ventura Farms, we have had the pleasure of owning several horses from her breeding program. Her success and longevity is admirable and she continues to be one of the leading and most enduring Arabian horse breeding establishments in the world.
-David Murdock
I have known Sheila for close to 50 years. I am proud to say Sheila is a good friend, going back to the days when she would send me English horses to train, and I'd send her Western horses. She taught me a lot about not only the training of Western horses, but horsemanship in general.

There many famous horses in America which cross breed and discipline lines. There are a few individuals in the horse world who do the same; Sheila Varian is our successful breeder and horseman from the Arabian world who has and continues to represent our Arabian Horse to the nation and world.

Having watched and admired Sheila’s breeding program for years (too many to mention) when we had several new clients we wanted to educate into the Arabian Horse business and show world it was a natural that we choose Varian Arabians to visit at the summer Jubilee two years ago. Having wanted to visit the farm for many years we were not disappointed. Not only were the horses in the Jubilee wonderful prospects for a breeding program but also, following the Varian standard, athletic and talented performance prospects.
Since that first visit to Varian Arabians we have brought back several new clients to Varian Arabians’ Spring Fling and picked out four more beautiful Jullyen daughters. The very kind and gentle 5 year old mare Beautiful Juell V, headed to the U.S. Nationals this year in the AOTH mare class with her new owner Larry Schopf. The very charismatic filly Morning Glory V, Champion sweepstakes yearling at Region 18 2008 and also Reserve Champion in the ATH mare class in Scottsdale with her new owner Dave May. Then jaws will drop when the May’s Jullyen daughter Shimmering Silk V jogs into the ring next year as a junior Western horse. Our newest addition is Mikayla V, full sister to Morning Glory V and just named Reserve Champion Sweepstakes filly at Region 18. These fillies have the strong dam lines that are so important to today’s breeding programs thanks to the excellence demanded by Sheila.
Keep educating us Sheila. The industry needs your years of knowledge and experience.
We will be back next year when the roses are blooming in Arroyo Grande.
Dear Sheila,
What a wonderful collection of fillies we have assembled with your assistance!
Sitting here today, it is hard to imagine that Terri and I came out to Arroyo Grande in April 2008 simply to meet you and enjoy your Spring Jubilee, attempting to learn as much as we could about the Arabian horse and the philosophy and principles behind your work. When the weekend came to an end, we had purchased Glory and Silk without regret. I just had a gut feeling it was the right thing to do. Our first two performance horses without hesitation…WOW!
At that time, secretly in my own mind, I had already penciled in the April 2009 event where we purchased Glory’s full sister, Mikayla.
From a Region 18 Championship or two to The US Nationals where Glory placed 11th to Scottsdale where Glory took Top Ten in the Open Halter Class and where she took Reserve Champion in the ATH Class under my nervous hand, it has been an exciting year and a half for Terri and myself, meeting new people, having new experiences and appreciating the beauty, elegance and grace of the Varian Arabian filly.
Thanks for becoming such a trusted friend, advisor and mentor as we continue to learn our way forward. You are a legend and your work is legendary.
Our future with Jullyen’s offspring can only be described as full of possibilities which makes today and beyond very exciting for us.

Over the past 5 years, I have purchased three horses from Varian Arabians. During that time, they all have won Top Tens at the National, Regional and Scottsdale level. They have been Regional Champions and Reserve Champions in the open and amateur divisions. One has already achieved his Legion of Honor after competing at only ten shows.
I have made many lifelong friends while attending Varian events and it’s always like a family reunion when we meet up at the Summer Jubilee each year. I’m just having a heck of a good time with my Varian horses! Thanks to Sheila and the staff at Varian Arabians for making my dreams come true.
-Vicki MacFerren – BV Arabians - Colorado
Santa Bravo V Bouncer V Mariachi Kid V
What is there to be said about the beloved Mdm. Varian that hasn't yet been said?? Anyone that loves the Arabian horse knows the story of Sheila and her start in the breed.. the days of Bay Abi...the three matriarchs from Poland...then Bay el Bey..then Huck..then Desperado..then Jullyen...and the myriad of horses and stories in between. Since my early days in the breed (pre-ownership and breeding)..I would search thru any horse publication I could get my hands on to find where the ad for Varian Arabians was. I would see the various horses, most with the golden hillside as the back drop (ok..they were black and white photos in those days.. but none the less..) and make notes to myself. I admired and dreamed of having such fine horses someday. I kept tabs on the show records and breeding records of the various Varian horses as best I could from a far. The library and horse periodicals gave way to the wonderful world of the internet and my research (obsession..) continued.
I finally decided to make my dream a reality and start my own breeding program. Where better to go than the world famous Varian Arabians?? I called and made an appointment, speaking with Sheila directly. (I have to admit, although I have worked with celebrities for quite some time.. I was star struck!!) I was going to actually meet THEE mythical Sheila Varian.
I purchased my first horse on that visit (the 10 day old Marilyn V), but started something much more on that same friendship with the incredible Mdm. Varian herself.
Since that first meeting, we have developed a friendship that I can only say is priceless! My favorite memory (so far) is not the incredible stories (although I adore them..)..not the multitude of discussions on the various horses (although a book could be written on that alone).. not the lessons in legs and structure (book two)...but one single day that I spent with Sheila at the farm. A day I will never forget!!
It started the way our days usually do with us talking about the various new babies at the farm and of the horses that I had seen in my travels. But then the day took a turn that I never expected. Sheila asked if I would like to ride Lightly!!! I had heard about him for ages...he was the culmination of Sheila's years of patience and development. He was the poster boy of the "Varian Horse". He was the RollsRoyce of horses...the perfect example of "cowboy dressage"!!
After a few words of wisdom and direction, I was in the saddle. Sitting on his back I was taken back in time to when a young Sheila rode her horses in the hills of the central coast. Back to a time before Bay Abi..the three matriarchs from Poland..then Bay el Bey..then Huck..then Desperado..then Jullyen..and the myriad of horses and stories in between...being on Lightly for those few unforgettable moments, made me feel as if I had been there all along!!
I started my Varian journey buying the perfect gelding from Sheila’s Collection horses in 1997. Stetson V+ was to be my show horse but ended up being my “everything” horse. After years riding competitive trail and working cattle, he has a very large fan club – he’s the Arabian that all non-Arabian people want to own. I’d be rich if I got a dollar for every time someone said “I don’t like Arabians but I sure do like yours”.
She is a woman with special insights and ways of seeing things – about horses, of course, but about life, as well. And the way she shares what she sees is unique and endearing. She’s down-home while being up-town. I started listening to her and things got better in my life. She is quick to laugh and quick to praise – but also quick to critique. And you must take heed or you will miss the golden gems that only she can mine.
Sheila is a dear friend. I will always cherish those special times when she connected with a dying girl, felt compassion for a very sick horse, and helped me become a better horsewoman. And I will always treasure those critical moments when I was told that my bicycle pants and hornless pommel would ruin all the photos and that my beautiful horse shouldn’t be wearing such an ugly bit. Your friends should give it to you straight – good and bad – and that’s what Sheila does. From her advice in choosing the right Varian horse, through her professional encouragement and attention in training him well, to a friendship that is valued, I recommend Sheila Varian, her capable staff, and flawless breeding program to anyone seeking to attain the immense pleasure that I enjoy.
-Kathleen Green
Sheila Varian – In a Few Words? Not possible.
Sheila Varian has made an impact on the Arabian horse breed that exceeds any other – single handedly (with a gentle nod to her parents). She is unquestionably the ultimate spokesman in our industry. Her presentations are full of humor, secret insights, and optimism - her audience hanging on her every word, laughing at every humorous anecdote, marveling at her knowledge. She’s a rock star!
For me, however, the best part of knowing Sheila has been as a friend....having lunch or dinner together....laughing or crying in our salads. For any question or problem I have presented, either personal or professional, Sheila has given me an answer – honestly and frankly. I have tried to do the same for her. When Sheila shares with us her thoughts, hopes, opinions, disappointments, joys and sorrows, she always speaks directly from her heart.
What makes her so unique and brilliant? Is it that fabulous eye for detail – from her tack to her attire? Is it that tough, virtual businesswoman-suit she wears, making sure that every penny is wisely spent? Is it that amazing history, revealed to us with such self-depreciating humor? Is it that wisdom about breeding horses? Is it that love for the real world of cattle ranching, round-ups, and the American West? Is that unbelievable record for producing the winningest strain of horses in the world? Is it her honesty and compassion as a friend?

In all of life, there are those who set themselves apart from others by the example, skills and integrity they achieve in their profession. A reputation of success, built over a lifetime of dedication to ones passion, is not a unique story. Many have accomplished this feat. What is unique however, is that the percentage of people who totally dedicate every day of their life to their dream is almost non existent. The achievements accumulated by the Varian Arabians success story will probably never be duplicated by another Arabian farm. The greatest testimonial that can ever be made is to say that you made a difference in someone's life. From Bay Abi, Ronteza and beyond the story is one that motivates others to dare to dream. I am honored to call Sheila Varian my friend. Honor and Humility are two words that are synonymous with Sheila and the success she has accomplished. Thanks for all you have done to keep my dreams alive.

Sheila Varian is a "Living Legend". I first came in contact with Sheila in 1981 in Connecticut. She was part of a training seminar with other huge names but Sheila is all I can remember from the weekend. Some of the most amazing yet simple techniques I learned from her back then, were great lessons in horsemanship that I most definitely apply daily. Her horsemanship carries over with her horses when they are long gone from the Varian Ranch for all of their lives. Every time I work a Varian horse my appreciation deepens for her breeding program and I, as so many of my clients, are very grateful.

My connection to Sheila Varian goes back to my childhood when I would sit on my bedroom floor and read the Arabian Horse News and Arabian Horse Journal. There she was on the cover and throughout the magazines – a woman trainer winning on her Arabians. There were very few women trainers when I was a kid, and even fewer who could beat the boys. Sheila was, and continues to be an inspiration to me, and I have the privilege of calling her my friend. I’ve trained many Varian bred horses over the years, and appreciate both their beauty and ability. With so few tried & true breeding programs out there, it’s nice to know what you are going to get with a Varian bred horse.
-Kelly Elm
I was lucky enough to borrow Lightly Bey V, Sheila Varian’s best trail horse & companion, for a couple of days while riding in the hills with Sheila and friends. Now that's a trail horse! Our condolences to Sheila on the loss of Lightly Bey V in late 2008.
On a more personal level I adore Sheila's stories. She is one of the best story tellers I know. We met years ago when I was still in Seattle. Sheila had been invited as the guest at the local Arabian club's meeting. I was her driver and guide. We spent many hours driving together visiting local breeders, and this was the beginning of Sheila telling her stories and me listening. I still remember how delightful it was...just to listen.
Many years later I was involved in leasing the Polish stallion Ganges for Mike Nichols. Before the Scottsdale show I kept him at a private ranch North of Phoenix. Sheila is a great friend of Mike's and of course she knew that this Monogramm son was in Arizona. She called me and set up an appointment. We spent 4 hours together with Ganges and I think that it was the most educating 4 hours in my life. We talked bloodlines, we reminisced horses from the past. She explained her beliefs and disbelief's. It was great.
Now, years later, whenever I see Sheila I'm like a little kid looking for some ice cream...I can't wait for another Sheila story.
-George Zbyszewski
My family has been in the Arabian Horse world for almost fifty years. I first noticed Sheila Varian when my parents pointed her out to me in Estes Park Colorado. Her stallion had won a National Championship they said. As a young girl I watched Sheila every time I had the chance. At Scottsdale, at the Nationals on her English horses and often the only "girl" in the class. I loved watching her. She was tall and skinny like me and if she could ride, train and compete on a National level, well, maybe I could also.
Throughout my life I have loved the Arabian Horse. That love affair has been made more special by knowing Sheila Varian. Several years ago Sheila once again impacted the life of another Haven. My daughter has also fallen in love with horses. Sheila extended her mentorship and has helped Lizzy become the equestrian she is today. My daughter's first National quality show horse we bought from Sheila. My brother trained him and Sheila directed Liz and Bizmark V from the sidelines. They have won multiple Top Tens, Legion of Merit and a Reserve National Championship. Both Liz and I not only call Sheila a good friend these days we also call her our neighbor.

I have had the privilege of working with Sheila through the Arabian Breeders Association and the Arabian Horse Association for many years and have seen her professionalism, talents and passion for the Arabian horse up close and personal.
As Arabian enthusiasts we should all aspire to achieve just a fraction of the accomplishments Sheila has obtained. I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to get to know Sheila and to have worked with her on behalf of the Arabian horse.
My friendship with Sheila has Longevity!! I remember all her "GREATS"; Stallions, Mares and Geldings, and I have had the privilege of judging many of them throughout their show careers. Blue ribbons, Championships and National Champions were awarded so many times it would take pages to list them. A remarkable Horsewomen and Breeder, she has given a lifetime to promoting the Arabian Horse not only in the Halter ring, but from Park horses to Working Cow horses and everything in between. The most important thing is that she is still doing it! For many years she has opened her ranch twice a year for educational seminars and select sales for the public to purchase quality horses. Nothing could have been more thrilling for me than to visit the Cowgirl Hall of Fame in Ft. Worth Texas and see Sheila's picture among the greats of the women in our Western World. WOW!! Sheila is a person who can seize the moment and isn't that what life is all about?
-Cecile Dunn
Although I have never been fortunate enough to own a Varian Arabian, I have been a fan of the Varian horses and of Sheila herself since my childhood in the 1960s. By the time I started going to Arabian shows, Bay Abi++ had already been U.S. National Champion Stallion and Sheila had imported her three great Polish foundation mares, *Ostroga, *Bachantka and *Naganka, all destined to produce National winners. In the early days Sheila rode most of her National winners to their titles. One of my most memorable moments as a spectator was seeing her ride Mikado++ to the 1971 U.S. National Park Championship. Mikado++ trotted at breakneck speed and made a breathtaking picture of a dapple grey stallion with a white mane and tail and a lithe rider who seemed to be one with him. Mikado++ was a National Champion sire and was a full brother to multi-National Champion Stallion Bay-El-Bey++, whose son Huckleberry Bey++ thrilled me whenever I saw him, either in hand or under saddle. Another favorite of the Varian stallions was Desperado V, who although not a National winner, has sired many in a wide range of disciplines from halter to reining to dressage. I saw him many times at Scottsdale as Sheila would bring him with the show string she took each year. The Varian barn at Scottsdale was THE place to go to get up close and personal with the horses, no Varian horse was shut away behind curtains and not allowed to be seen.
You can’t go wrong with a Varian horse. Sheila is the only breeder I can think of who has had National winners in halter AND both saddleseat and western performance for over 40 years…and may she go on for many more years to come.
I have found Sheila to be knowledgeable, straightforward and passionate about her breeding program and for that matter the Arabian breed in general! She has a special wisdom that comes with years of experience and success. The Varian influence is seen throughout all disciplines and has truly stood the test of time.
-Jeff Schall
I have been breeding Arabian horses for 40 years. My breeding program started in the Black Forest in Germany. In reading Arabian Horse World I learned of this incredible lady who beat all the “big guys” on their Quarter horses at the Cow Palace in San Francisco on her little Arabian mare. I heard people talking about her and always wondered whether I would ever have the chance to meet this famous lady.
Years later I was introduced to Sheila Varian and I was a little intimidated by this famous icon and worried that she would even talk to me! I found out that Sheila was easily approachable and happily told me stories about her and her mare Ronteza.
We became partners in our stallion *Sanadik El Shaklan and our business relationship was a wonderful one. We both profited from that. Sheila helped to make a statement for my breeding program in endorsing my stallion and in return was awarded with some very nice daughters who have been successful broodmares for her breeding program.
Sheila did not hesitate to help out when I lost my beloved *El Shaklan. She was very accommodating for me to buy *Sanadik El Shaklan back for my breeding program.
Sheila is the most accomplished Arabian horse breeder in this country. She has achieved what many breeders only dream about. I am very proud to call her my friend and I am also very proud to have my bloodlines integrated in the famous Varian breeding program.
Sigi Constanti
I was very lucky to meet Sheila during a weekend guest ride at her cousins ranch in Parkfield. Sheila was just "along for the ride" but as anyone can testify who knows her as a horsewoman and a person, she's never "just" along for the ride!! Once I realized how eager to teach AND generous with her time she was I took every opportunity to ride with her or just watch how she handled her horse, Jubilation. And on top of all the wisdom she was sharing, I was delighted to meet a wise woman.
My dream and idea of becoming an Arabian horse photographer became tangible while standing alone in the “sandlot” full of mares with my new camera. I will always be indebted to “Miss Sheila” for being so generous with her land and horses.
One year later, doing the same thing, I took a shot of Calendar Girl, one of her beautiful and wonderfully social bay mares, as she walked right to me. Wind was blowing her mane and she looked right through my camera. That photo started a whirlwind for me and hangs on my office wall as one of my favorites still.
Five years later. I find myself in the Varian guesthouse preparing to drink wine and eat ocean side with this icon…and now my friend, Sheila Varian! Sheila tells amazing stories, as you all know, but often I have found the life lessons, advice and humor to bring me to tears. I always choke them back for fear she will stop, but immediately write them down in my journal when I get home, so I never forget.
One of my favorite recent quotes is (she claims to not remember the great things she says!) “If you’re always focused on being #1, then you forget the road you’ve traveled” For a woman with her caliber and life experience, I found this to be so humble. Her ability to live in the present and to absorb life is awe-inspiring. It’s always about the horses, always has been. That’s what makes her so unique, so full of joy.
One of my goals since I stepped foot on the ranch that first day, was to be on the “Varian Wall” in the big barn. It happened this year! What an honor it was and a privilege to be included in that rich history.
The Arabian industry, my life and this world have been spicier, truer and full of substance with her in it!

My first brush with the inimitable Sheila Varian was, like so many countless others, as a young girl thumbing through the pages of Arabian horse magazines until the ink bled onto my hands. I would diligently cut out photos of Sheila’s horses and pin them to my wall, dreaming of a time that I could meet them and the woman who created such an incredible legacy out of sheer genius and passion. I do not remember a time in my childhood that I was not mesmerized from afar by Sheila and her horses, and to feed my need for any connection to all things Varian I wrote many fan letters to Sheila, Bay Abi and Bay El Bey. I may have been 7 years old and thousands of miles away but when the response letters would arrive I was thrilled. In the tiniest of ways I was connected with my hero.
Thank my stars the universe has this wonderfully magic serendipitous way of bringing everything full circle and through my friend and genius April Visel, I finally made my way to Sheila’s farm and have never looked back. It is one thing to worship a childhood hero, it is quite another when that person exceeds those expectations.
On my life’s to-do list, filming for Sheila Varian was at the very top and I am so proud that Sophie and I have now filmed for her and even prouder to call her a friend. As a born storyteller myself, I relish our talks together and always learn something new. Sheila is quite simply the smartest, truest, most delightful, joyous human being I have ever known and certainly one of the greatest breeders, horsewomen and horse lovers the world has ever seen. Her compass is always pointed in the right direction and if I’m ever feeling adrift, a day at the farm, walking the barns and the pastures and telling stories with Sheila is the sure cure.
I now own an Afire BeyV granddaughter, my very own horse connection to Sheila. I hope to bring her up to Sheila’s for training very soon. I love you Sheila-- open the gate and let’s get to storytelling!

Curt and I both consider ourselves fortunate indeed to count Sheila Varian as a friend. Not only is she enormous fun to be around, but even after years of breeding extremely high quality Arabian horses, she is still keeping watch for that horse, person, or method which will further enhance her program, if even in a small way. Sheila never rests on her laurels. By her very example, she encourages us to greet life each day with eagerness, vigor, curiosity, and a tireless commitment to the creation of something beautiful.
Beyond our friendship, are we pleased with the horses we’ve purchased from Sheila?
Well, in the last three years, we’ve purchased two young Varian-bred mares as “brides” for our senior stallion, Botswana. Sheila thought it “might be a good idea” to show them a little before they were ready to breed. And so, first, Sweet Stella V was a Top Ten Yearling Signature Stallion Filly at the 2008 Scottsdale show (out of 94 fillies)—and, then last month, Kissemee Jullyen V (just four years old and seven months in training with Liz Bentley) was named Region 13 Reserve Champion Junior Western Horse.”
Curt and I are way more than just a little pleased, Sheila!
TALARIA FARMS (Newnan, Georgia)
TALARIA FARMS (Newnan, Georgia)

I have known Sheila Varian since the early 70's...we met at Lasma and it was an honor to meet her! I have also admired her sense of humor which includes her strong character of being mischievous. Of course at that time, she was riding with the LaCroix boys and she did give them a run for their money with her English and Park horses. It was all in the name of fun! Oh yes those Halter stallions too!
Sheila I consider to be a "DEAR DEAR FRIEND" and I am so proud to know her and her horses. Oh we have had a lot of fun throughout the years!!!
Of course now with A-Jakarta, we seem to be even more family with Varian Arabians as I have always but always LOVED *Jullyen El Jammal !!!
The continuation of our friendship and breeding of Arabian horses will always be CLOSE to my Heart with Sheila !!! She has a "V" Star (aka "5" Star) Farm and I am honored to be a part of her program with A-Jakarta.
It is with great pleasure that we write about our good friend, Sheila Varian. Although a lot has separated us for many years, due to distance and other missions (on our part), we will never forget our first visit to Varian Arabians. We saw a horse with whom we had a wonderful relationship up until his passing in May of 2000. His name was Moonstone Bey V.
When we first visited Varian Arabians, we were shown the magnificent horse, Bay-El-Bey only then to be introduced to his son, Moonstone Bey V. Moonstone was by Bay-El-Bey out of Moska, who was out of Baychatka, by Khemosabi. These horses represented incredible bloodlines that derived from the magnificent horses of Poland. Baychatka was out of Bachantka, who was out of Balalajka. On the sire’s side, Baychatka’s sire was Bay-Abi, by Errabi. Bachantka’s sire was Wielki Szlem out of Ofir.
I can honestly say that as I write this note, I am crying! What an honor it was to be associated with Sheila who so smartly and carefully maintained a legacy that will forever be Sheila’s and only Sheila’s.
I have seen Sheila work. Her Vaquero horsemanship is traditional and very expert. She has mastered an ancient art.
-Robert M. Miller DVM
Six months ago my husband Bob and I set out to purchase our first purebred Arabian mare. It seemed an overwhelming task at the time, since I’ve not been involved with the Arabian horse world since I was a horse crazy girl, growing up down the road from Gleannloch Farms in Spring, Texas. We started our quest at the 2009 Scottsdale show where we met many breeders and trainers, and viewed hundreds of spectacular horses. But, it didn’t take long for us to narrow our search. We wanted a mare with a gentle temperament, intelligence, athleticism and beautiful Arabian type … in short, we wanted a Varian Arabian. Secondly, we wanted to deal with someone with a reputation for professionalism, honesty and fair dealing … in short, we wanted to deal with Sheila Varian. Sheila took the time to get to know us, answer countless questions, host us at her farm, and only then suggest Breathless V as a good match. Not only is Breathless V a good match, she is a dream come true … everything I’ve always wanted in an Arabian mare. Thank you Sheila for sharing this wonderful mare with us and for helping to open a whole new chapter in our lives.
-Bob & Sherry Conrads
Sheila Varian is one of the very few people I can point to and say, "That is a true breeder". Shelia's commitment to her vision of the Arabian horse has created a dynasty that combines beauty with correctness and athletic ability. I love the fact that Shelia demands that her horses perform as well as look beautiful. That is as it should be, but sadly is fading from the breeding scene. I was honored to have been able to work at Varian Arabians in the early days with Bay Abi, Bey el Bey, Huckleberry Bey and the great mares like *Bachantka, Balalinka (one of my favorites!), Baychaska, Halali Wind Kite, Moska, Ostroga and others. My experience with those horses built a lasting foundation for my knowledge base, that continues to this day!!! I thank Shelia and her program for that education.

It has been such a great privilege for our entire family to have gotten to know Sheila; always full of life, inspirational and forthcoming.
I can't imagine an Arabian horse show without the ever present influence of Sheila "V" in the Winners' Circle; unquestionably one of our breed's Greatest Ambassadors, and certainly most Successful Breeders.
-Jerry Garcia
We first met Sheila at her Summer Jubilee in 2005 and purchased Kleopatra Jullyen V from her immediately we laid eyes on her. Because of Sheila's depth of knowledge and her ethics as a breeder, we knew that Kleopatra would be a superb breeding mare for our program, being about as fully rounded as one could get for halter and performance, with a superb temperament. Kleopatra has produced some incredible foals for us and this is in no small part due to Sheila's true understanding of her business.
I met Sheila when she was a guest speaker up here in Washington, many years ago. Her knowledge and enthusiasm was very inviting. We joked and laughed and she called me crazy Ron. We have been friends ever since. Years later I had the opportunity to spend some time with her looking at horses in California. We spent the day looking at horses, talking about horses, thinking about horses solving the worlds problems, mostly laughing a lot. We ended the day going for a trail ride just her and I on her two geldings. When the day was done I was exhausted from all the knowledge flowing form her and the realization that I had just scratched the surface of what she has seen and knows. Since then I've been back for a Jubilee in summer and we have kept in contact ever since. We have done some business together and talked about the weather a lot, and always has she made me feel important and supported me in every way. A good example is US in Tulsa, when I had less than one of my better moments, there was Sheila at my stalls later consoling me after I just hit the dirt saying "..there wasn't anyone at this horse show that could have rode that colt today, and if they didn't know who you were before they sure will know who you are now..." We again laughed and moved on. I enjoy every time I get to talk to her or spend time with her. She's a blessing to this horse business.
–Ron Copple
"Sheila is the horseman's horseman! She is a mentor for the Arabian breed! I have always looked to her and her program as a leader in the industry."
-Roxanne Hart
My husband and I met Sheila Varian in the early days of our 15+ years in the Arabian horse business. One of the things that struck me about her is that even though we were working with another breeder at that time, she was always a wealth of information for us. She shared her breeding strategies, invited us to her special showings, never pushed us to buy anything even though many times I wanted to, and even more impressive, she could ride a horse better than any man or woman I had ever seen. Sheila lives through and with her horses. She is fair, honest and never would sell you anything that wasn’t a good fit. It is a rarity to find someone in this business that is actually looking out for you and not for themselves. Sheila has a solid program and knows bloodlines like a history book, and what works with what through her many years of total dedication and devotion to the breed. Sheila breeds horses for every kind of discipline, including folks that are looking for a simple but quality trail horse. Over the years Sheila has become a personal friend and because of her, I have learned so much about the beautiful horses and enjoy having a few laughs together while in the presence of her magnificent Arabians. Sheila is an example of the modern day cowgirl!
-Deborah Emery
My experience with Sheila, the horses and the Varian Ranch has all been wonderful. With Sheila what you see is what you get—a rarity in the horse industry. She knows her horses and her bloodlines, and has a knack for making a good horse and rider match. My horses are perfect for what I want, good minds, good athletes and versatile. As youngsters they have been everywhere and done everything, taking it all in stride in and out of the arena. I would have a pasture full if I could.
-Hilary Austen
Purchasing a young mare from Sheila Varian several years ago has been a rewarding experience. Sheila is very honest and portrays her horses as theyare. In addition to quality and beauty they have the most wonderful personalities of any Arabians I have ever been around! Varian Arabians program for breeding, care and training is top notch. I love my horse with the "V" and am happy I was able to be a part of the Varian tradition!
-Debbie Mullinax
Kewel Jewel V
Sheila gave me the opportunity of a lifetime when she hired me to work at Varian Arabians. One of my first memories was her telling me to go out and bring in two of the two year olds out of the field because we needed to get started. The two that I picked were Bey Aperitif V and Marigold V. I won both of those mares' first blue ribbons and loved them both dearly. When I was there Bay Abi++, *Ostroga, *Bachantka, Autumn Fire, Balalinka, Bay El Bey ++, Huckleberry Bey++, and Comment were horses that I saw and worked around every day. In fact Huckleberry Bey++ and Comment were in their prime and Bay El Bey++ was ridden daily by me until he left for Rohara Arabians when they leased him. Another memory was of my husband, Mark [ he also worked for Sheila ] and I getting our first show season clothes. We picked out matching black suits with white lining. I was so proud that year at Scottsdale we showed Sweet Inspiration V and Sweet Illussion V in the produce of dam class. They were both black with white markings so we matched the beautiful fillies. Pretty heady stuff for a young kid starting out . Sheila was a great teacher and didn't mind spending time showing you new ideas. Being young back then cool was everything and I can remember thinking " oh no Sheila you can't mean that nobody does that " but she always did. Now almost thirty years later I find myself doing many of those "uncool" things because they work. I'm not sure any of us knew at the time how much greatness we were around. But thinking back I remember knowing that these were days I would never forget and I haven't. I owe a lot to Sheila for that experience.
-Martha Murdock
I've known Sheila Varian for the last part of 30 years. When I first became involved with Arabian horses her breeding program and quite frankly her training program as well were of the highest quality and level of our industry. Sheila has always been extremely willing and most gracious about helping the Arabian breed. If there is one breeder who exemplifies breeding Arabians for all disciplines is Sheila. In short, Sheila Varian is our treasure in this industry.
My experience with Sheila Varian:
-Mickey Aboussie
I consider Sheila Varian to be the premier breeder of Arabian horses. She's been doing it for 50 years and her breeding program is outstanding. Her horses are known for their beauty and awesome, sweet, dispositions. Her stallions pass that on to their foals. I bred Rhea (Straight Egyptian) to Maclintock V and have ZZ as a result. I bred Sky (Half Arab/Saddlebred) to Hucks Connection V and have Starsky. Two very different stallions with two very different results, but both offspring exhibit the temperment and beauty that Sheila's horses are known for. With Sheila's stallions you know exactly what you’re going to get.
-Kathy Starustka
Sheila Varian. What comes to mind when I think of Sheila is knowledge and commitment. A few years ago I got to know her better when I was honored to show a filly for her in an amateur halter event and we became friends. Her horsemanship and acumen for horse breeding is unsurpassed. What people might not know about Sheila is the depth of her dedication to her life's work, the horses. The horses come first, their comfort and care is her top priority. Sheila lives and breaths horses with an acuity built from a lifetime of curiosity and endeavor. Sheila says "there is always something new to learn". She never rests on her laurels but always strives to learn and improve everything she does. Sheila can size up a horse in moments and she never forgets them. Her honesty, humor and caring nature make her a great friend. She is one terrific person. I'm proud to know her and wish her all the best.
Connie O'Brien
Dear Sheila,
Thank you for including me in your report on the monumental successes of Varian-bred Arabians. I get a warm fuzzy feeling when I read about your achievements and remind myself that I have been an enthusiast for your ideals and ideas on Arabian breeding for sixty years. You have remained true to those ideals. That, plus tremendous effort by you, and willingness to take an occasional leap of faith, have brought you to the exalted position as the finest breeder of Arabian horses of history. Just think, that places you among Count Potocki, Ali Pasha Sherif, and a few of the tough old Bedouins of antiquity.
I wish you continued good health, such leisure as you might desire on occasion, good friends and ever more success at putting your stamp on the modern Arabian horse. Excuse me if I wax a bit poetic, but it is a privilege to be your friend.. Wes Hoskins