February 26, 1986 - January 13, 2014
Desperado V was a legend in the Arabian world. Sired by legendary Huckleberry Bey++, Desperado proudly carried on the incredible style and traditions that made Varian Arabians so successful.
Desperado V was tall, dark and extremely handsome and he sired it. His exotic head was well known, but most of all, he had proven his ability to sire National Champions in both Halter and Performance. He carried a high set tail, beautiful eyes and emoted Arabian charisma. His disposition and trainability were transmitted to his offspring and are easily verified by contacting any trainer working with a Desperado V youngster. "Show quality" and "marketability" of Desperado V foals are well documented. Desperado V was the leading sire on five of the AHRA stud books and he was a Sire of Significance.
ANGYL | |||
NAJADA | |||
RHADNA | |||
CARMEN | |||
BRDA | |||

Dear Sheila and everyone at Varian Arabians who dearly loved Desperado V,
I am so deeply sorry to hear this very sad news. He was a special, incomparable, and beautiful horse and friend to you.
I will always remember standing near his paddock when I attended the Summer Jubilee a few years ago. It was an honor
to be in his presence. Such a regal gentleman. And as kind as the long shadows cast on that summer afternoon.
May you have peace remembering the glorious life he shared with you, the good he brought to the world, and the special bond you shared.
Wishing you strength.
Kara L. Stewart
I'm so sorry to hear about Desperado! Hugs and tears to everyone at the ranch! He's running around in greener pastures!
Melissa Billingsley
Sheila and all,
Our hearts are broken. I had so wanted to meet him since my first Varian horse years ago. I will treasure the piece of his mane that Sheila so graciously sent me last year. Both of my horses are Desperado V bred, with Peace Maker V being a son. We will do our best to continue to make Daddy proud. The Arabian horse lost a legend today. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. My boys will get a special hug tonight. God Speed Desperado, thank you for touching my life.
Dawn, Clint & Mikayla Voris
Mystic Valley Arabians
So so sorry Sheila yet so HAPPY HE HAD YOU ALL OF HIS LIFE!!!
Thinking of you. Hugs & PRAYERS SENT
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about Desperado!
I'm happy I was able to see him again this past summer during the Jubilee. I don't think I laughed so hard watching him rubbing his stomach for 10 minutes on the ground to get that itchy spot he had.
You are all in thoughts and prayers.
Ashley Iler
So sorry to hear about your loss. He was a very beautiful and amazing horse.
Kathy Beck
Dear Sheila,
I am so sorry for your loss. Desperado V is a legend.
Ann Brainerd
We are so sorry for your loss of the great Desperado V. He will be very missed. I know that no words can heal your heavy heart.
Margaret Vanden Broek
I am so sorry to hear about Desperado. We visited your ranch several years ago and was awe struck by how beautiful he was and how much he liked everyone around him. That is a great testament to your love and care for him.
Judy Shehan
A great horse from a great breeder. No words to express how deeply this loss is felt. Please know Sheila you have been a trailblazer in breeding superior performance as well as halter champions.............no one else has ever come close to accomplishing this mark. Best wishes for much continued success.
Mary Latimer
We are so very sorry to hear this news. Desperado V was a wonderful horse. We were fortunate to have his son Tumbleweed V for almost 10 years. Because of him, several people in our trainer's barn either bred to Desperado or bought a horse sired by him. He won many championships both amateur and open. Desperado's legacy will live on for many generations.
Sheila and Richard Gallagher

Performance by Get:
At the 2003 U.S. National Show, Desperados V's get were National Champions or Top Ten in Halter, Western Pleasure, Hunter, Trail, Reining and Dressage. The sheer classic Arabian beauty, trainability and even temperament of Desperado V get is demonstrated each time his offspring enter the show ring, a mountain trail, or on the business end of a ranch rope.Desperado V has truly defined the standard for VERSATILITY. And, with over 900 registered foals Desperado V has demonstrated his breeding strength on virtually every pedigree brought to him through the mare.
At the 2005 Scottsdale show, Desperado had sired winners in Western Pleasure, Reining, Country Pleasure, Open Halter, and Trail.
Some of Desperado V's Winning Get
*Mirage V++++// (x Misti V)
Owned by Beth Conti
2012 Sporth Horse Nationals:
National Champion Arabian Sport Horse Stallion In-Hand ATH
National Reserve Champion Arabian Sport Horse Stallion In-Hand
National Champion Arabian/Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Dressage Intermediate 1
National Top Ten Arabian/Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian Dressage Prix St Georges
National Top Ten Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle
2010 Sport Horse Nationals:
National Reserve Champion Arabian Sport Horse Stallions in Hand
National Reserve Champion Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle
National Top Ten Arabian Sport Horse Stallions in Hand ATH
National Top Ten A/HA/AA Dressage Third Level Championship
National Top Ten A/HA/AA Dressage Fourth Level Championship
*Liberty Valance V (x La Kijan)
U.S. National Champion Hunter Pleasure AAOTR
Canadian National Champion Hunter Pleasure AAO
Scottsdale Champion Hunter Pleasure
*Klint Black+++/ (x Windsong Bey)
2012 Canadian National Champion Western Pleasure
2012 U.S. Reserve National Champion Western Pleasure
2005 Sport Horse National Champion Stallion In-Hand
2010 Canadian Top Ten Western Pleasure
2011 Canadian Reserve National Champion Western Pleasure
2011 US Top Ten Western Pleasure
Jebediah Black+ ( x Midnite Cynerela)
2011 Sport Horse National Champion Dressage Level Training Horse
*Sunkissed V (x Sweet Obisidian V)
2005 Regional Top 3 Western Pleasure Junior Horse, 2005 US National Champion Western Pleasure Junior Horse
*Caliente V (x Calika V)
2003 Regional Rewerve Champion Hunter Pleasure AO, 2003 Canadian National Top Ten Hunter Pleasure AAO 40 & over
*Annie Oakley V (x Always Graceful V)
2003 Regional Champion Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse, 2003 Canadian National Reserve Champion Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse, 2003 US National Reserve Champion Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse
*Khantina Girl V (x Kharifa Bey by Kharbon Bey V)
2002 U.S. National Champion Western Pleasure Futurity
*Desperados Star (x Sabriina)
2002 Regional Top Five Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse, 2002 Scottsdale Top Ten Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse
2002 U.S. National Champion Western Pleasure Futurity Horse
*Kit Karson V (x La Kijan by Bey Shah)
2002 & 2001 U.S. National Champion Reining Horse AOTR
*MFA Maverick (x Benray Fancy by Benray)
2002 U.S. National Champion Trail Horse
*Cinnamon Candy V (x FF Columbia by Khemosabi+++)
2002 U.S. National Top Ten Junior Mare
*Bandana V (x Baydanska V by Gdansk)
2002 U.S. National Toe Ten Level IV Dressage
*Latigo V (x La Kelila by *Sanadik El Shaklan)
2002 U.S. National Top Ten Hunter Pleasure AOTR 40 and over
*Destinee Belle (x RJ Jabask Belle)
2002 U.S. National Top Ten Junior Mare
*BF Dimaggio (x GW Gwynddalyn)
2002 U.S. National Top Ten Hunter Pleasure Futurity
*Sundance Kid V (x Sweet Shalimar V)
2000 Scottsdale Top Ten Western Pleasure Junior Horse
*Dessperada (x FF Columbia by Khemosabi+++)
Canadian National Champion Mare
*SC Buckaroo Bey (x Bay Teza by Bay Abi++)
U.S. & Canadian National Champion Reining
*Simeron (x MHR Miz Port by Port Bask)
U.S. Reserve National Champion Hunt Pleasure JOTR 13/under
*Jack A Diamonds (x Munchkin V by Bay El Bey++)
U.S. National Champion Working Cow Horse
*Sweet Sasparila V (x Sweet Shalimar V by *Ali Jamaal)
U.S. Reserve National Champion Western Pleasure Futurity Horse
*Spirt Hawk (x Khemo Rahbecca by Khemosabi+++)
U.S. Reserve National Champion Western Pleasure Junior Horse
*Desperados Envy (x Lil Annie Fannie by Bay Shah)
Top Ten Western Pleasure Junior Horse
*Wyoming Bey V (x Wandosa V by *Bandos)
Top 20 Arabian English Show Hack
*Gold Digger V (x AM Gloriana Bay by Bay Oro)
Top 20 Hunter Pleasure Futurity
*Calamity Jane V (x Calamity Fame V)
1997 US National Champion Breeders Sweepstakes Yearling Filly